Source code for yeoda.datacube

import copy
import glob
import os
import re
import uuid
import abc
import warnings
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from osgeo import ogr
from typing import List, Tuple
from tempfile import mkdtemp
from datetime import datetime
from multiprocessing import Pool
from collections import defaultdict

from geopathfinder.file_naming import SmartFilename

from veranda.raster.native.geotiff import GeoTiffFile
from veranda.raster.native.netcdf import NetCdf4File
from veranda.raster.mosaic.geotiff import GeoTiffReader, GeoTiffWriter
from veranda.raster.mosaic.netcdf import NetCdfReader, NetCdfWriter

from geospade.raster import RasterGeometry
from geospade.raster import MosaicGeometry
from geospade.raster import Tile
from import SpatialRef
from geospade.raster import find_congruent_tile_id_from_tiles

from yeoda.utils import to_list
from yeoda.utils import create_fn_class
from yeoda.errors import DimensionUnkown
from yeoda.errors import FileTypeUnknown

FILE_CLASS = {'.tif': GeoTiffFile,
              '.nc': NetCdf4File}
RASTER_DATA_CLASS = {'.tif': (GeoTiffReader, GeoTiffWriter),
                     '.nc': (NetCdfReader, NetCdfWriter)}

[docs]def parse_init(filepaths, fn_class, fields_def, fn_kwargs, file_class, fc_kwargs, fn_dims, md_dims, md_decoder, tmp_dirpath): """ Helper method for setting the entries of global variable `PROC_OBJS` to be available during multiprocessing. """ PROC_OBJS['filepaths'] = filepaths PROC_OBJS['fn_class'] = fn_class PROC_OBJS['fields_def'] = fields_def PROC_OBJS['fn_kwargs'] = fn_kwargs PROC_OBJS['file_class'] = file_class PROC_OBJS['file_class_kwargs'] = fc_kwargs PROC_OBJS['fn_dims'] = fn_dims PROC_OBJS['md_dims'] = md_dims PROC_OBJS['md_decoder'] = md_decoder PROC_OBJS['tmp_dirpath'] = tmp_dirpath
[docs]def parse_filepaths(slice_proc): """ Parses a portion of file paths, i.e. retrieves decoded attributes from the file name itself or the metadata, and writes the output as a data frame to disk (for joining it with the output all workers afterwards). Parameters ---------- slice_proc : slice Index range corresponding to the filepaths to parse. """ filepaths = PROC_OBJS['filepaths'] fn_class = PROC_OBJS['fn_class'] fields_def = PROC_OBJS['fields_def'] fn_kwargs = PROC_OBJS['fn_kwargs'] file_class = PROC_OBJS['file_class'] file_class_kwargs = PROC_OBJS['file_class_kwargs'] fn_dims = PROC_OBJS['fn_dims'] md_dims = PROC_OBJS['md_dims'] md_decoder = PROC_OBJS['md_decoder'] tmp_dirpath = PROC_OBJS['tmp_dirpath'] filepaths_proc = filepaths[slice_proc] n_files = len(filepaths_proc) fn_dict = defaultdict(lambda: [None] * n_files) use_metadata = len(md_dims) > 0 if use_metadata: md_decoder = {dim: md_decoder.get(dim, lambda x: x) for dim in md_dims} for i, filepath in enumerate(filepaths_proc): fn_dict['filepath'][i] = filepath try: fn_args = [os.path.basename(filepath)] if fields_def is not None: fn_args.append(fields_def) fn = fn_class.from_filename(*fn_args, convert=True, **fn_kwargs) for dim in fn_dims: fn_dict[dim][i] = fn[dim] except: pass if use_metadata: try: with file_class(filepath, mode='r', **file_class_kwargs) as file: for dim in md_dims: fn_dict[dim][i] = md_decoder[dim](file.metadata.get(dim, None)) except: pass df = pd.DataFrame(fn_dict) tmp_filename = f"{datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S')}-{uuid.uuid4().hex}.df" tmp_filepath = os.path.join(tmp_dirpath, tmp_filename) df.to_pickle(tmp_filepath)
[docs]class DataCube(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """ Basic datacube class defining all selection and datacube operations. """ def __init__(self, raster_data): """ Constructor of `DataCube`. Parameters ---------- raster_data : veranda.raster.mosaic.base.RasterData Raster data object (reader or writer) storing a file register, data and a mosaic. """ self._raster_data = raster_data @property def dimensions(self) -> list: """ Dimensions of the datacube. i.e. the columns of the file register without the 'filepath' entry. """ fr_cols = list(self.file_register.columns) fr_cols.remove('filepath') return fr_cols @property def mosaic(self) -> MosaicGeometry: """ Mosaic geometry representing the spatial properties of the datacube. """ return self._raster_data.mosaic @property def n_tiles(self) -> int: """ Number of tiles. """ return self._raster_data.n_tiles @property def data_geom(self) -> RasterGeometry: """ Raster/tile geometry of the internal data. """ return self._raster_data.data_geom @property def file_register(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """ File register of the datacube. """ return self._raster_data.file_register @property def filepaths(self) -> List[str]: """ Unique list of file paths stored in the file register. Note that this property does not preserve the order of the file paths in the file register. """ return self._raster_data.filepaths @property def data_view(self) -> xr.Dataset: """ View on internal raster data. """ return self._raster_data.data_view @property def is_empty(self) -> bool: """ Checks if the datacube is empty, i.e. does not contain any files. """ return len(self) == 0
[docs] def rename_dimensions(self, dimensions_map, inplace=False) -> "DataCube": """ Renames the dimensions of the datacube. Parameters ---------- dimensions_map : dict A dictionary representing the relation between old and new dimension names. The keys are the old dimension names, the values the new dimension names (e.g., {'time_begin': 'time'}). inplace : boolean, optional If true, the current class instance will be altered. If false (default), a new class instance will be returned. Returns ------- DataCube `DataCube` object with renamed dimensions/columns of the file register. """ if not inplace: new_datacube = copy.deepcopy(self) return new_datacube.rename_dimensions(dimensions_map, inplace=True) for old_dimension in list(dimensions_map.keys()): if self._raster_data._file_dim == old_dimension: self._raster_data._file_dim = dimensions_map[old_dimension] if self._raster_data._tile_dim == old_dimension: self._raster_data._tile_dim = dimensions_map[old_dimension] self._raster_data._file_register.rename(columns=dimensions_map, inplace=True) return self
[docs] def add_dimension(self, name, values, inplace=False) -> "DataCube": """ Adds a new dimension to the datacube. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the new dimension. values : list Values along the new dimension (e.g., cloud cover, quality flag, ...). They have to have the same length as all the rows in the file register. inplace : boolean, optional If true, the current class instance will be altered. If false (default), a new class instance will be returned. Returns ------- DataCube `DataCube` object with an additional dimension in the file register. """ if not inplace: new_datacube = copy.deepcopy(self) return new_datacube.add_dimension(name, values, inplace=True) ds = pd.Series(values, index=self.file_register.index) self._raster_data._file_register[name] = ds return self
[docs] def select_files_with_pattern(self, pattern, full_path=False, inplace=False) -> "DataCube": """ Filters all file paths according to the given pattern. Parameters ---------- pattern : str A regular expression (e.g., ".*S1A.*GRD.*"). full_path : boolean, optional Uses the full file paths for filtering if it is set to `True`. Otherwise, the file name is used (default value is `False`). inplace : boolean, optional If true, the current class instance will be altered. If false (default), a new class instance will be returned. Returns ------- DataCube `DataCube` object with a filtered file register according to the given pattern. """ if not inplace: new_datacube = copy.deepcopy(self) return new_datacube.select_files_with_pattern(pattern, full_path=full_path, inplace=True) pattern = re.compile(pattern) if not full_path: file_filter = lambda x:, os.path.basename(x)) is not None else: file_filter = lambda x:, x) is not None idx_filter = [file_filter(filepath) for filepath in self['filepath']] self._raster_data._file_register = self._raster_data._file_register[idx_filter] return self
[docs] def sort_by_dimension(self, name, ascending=True, inplace=False) -> "DataCube": """ Sorts the datacube/file register according to the given dimension. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the dimension. ascending : bool, optional If true (default), sorts in ascending order, otherwise in descending order. inplace : boolean, optional If true, the current class instance will be altered. If false (default), a new class instance will be returned. Returns ------- DataCube Sorted datacube. """ if not inplace: new_datacube = copy.deepcopy(self) return new_datacube.sort_by_dimension(name, ascending=ascending, inplace=True) self._raster_data._file_register.sort_values(by=name, ascending=ascending, inplace=True) return self
[docs] def select_by_dimension(self, expressions, name=None, inplace=False) -> "DataCube": """ Filters the data cube according to the given extents and returns a (new) data cube. Parameters ---------- expressions : callable A list of functions expecting one input argument, which will be replace with the respective column of the file register later on, and returning a boolean value for each entry in the file register (used for the decision if it will be selected or not). Two examples are given below: - `datacube.select_by_dimension(lambda s: s == "X", name='dim', inplace=True)` - `datacube.select_by_dimension(lambda t: (t >= start_time) & (t <= end_time), name='time', inplace=True)` name : str, optional Name of the dimension. Defaults to the name of the stack dimension. inplace : boolean, optional If true, the current class instance will be altered. If false (default), a new class instance will be returned. Returns ------- DataCube Subset of the original datacube. Notes ----- The results of the expressions are concatenated via an OR operation. """ if not inplace: new_datacube = copy.deepcopy(self) return new_datacube.select_by_dimension(expressions, name=name, inplace=True) name = self._raster_data._file_dim if name is None else name sel_mask = np.zeros(len(self._raster_data._file_register), dtype=bool) for expression in to_list(expressions): sel_mask = sel_mask | expression(self._raster_data._file_register[name]) self._raster_data._file_register = self._raster_data._file_register[sel_mask] if name == self._raster_data._tile_dim: self.select_tiles(list(set(self[name])), inplace=True) return self
[docs] def split_by_dimension(self, expressions, name=None) -> List["DataCube"]: """ Creates subsets/a new datacube from the original datacube for each expression. Parameters ---------- expressions : callable A list of functions expecting one input argument, which will be replace with the respective column of the file register later on, and returning a boolean value for each entry in the file register (used for the decision if it will be selected or not). Two examples are given below: - `datacube.select_by_dimension(lambda s: s == "X", name='dim', inplace=True)` - `datacube.select_by_dimension(lambda t: (t >= start_time) & (t <= end_time), name='time', inplace=True)` name : str, optional Name of the dimension. Defaults to the name of the stack dimension. Returns ------- datacubes : list A list of datacubes corresponding to each expression. """ datacubes = [self.select_by_dimension(expression, name=name, inplace=False) for expression in expressions] return datacubes
[docs] def split_by_temporal_freq(self, time_freq, name=None) -> List["DataCube"]: """ Temporally splits the original datacube according to a given frequency string. Parameters ---------- time_freq : str Pandas DateOffset frequency string (see name : str, optional Name of the dimension. Defaults to the name of the stack dimension. Returns ------- datacubes : list A list of datacubes corresponding to the given temporal frequency intervals. Notes ----- Empty datacubes are discarded. """ name = name if name is not None else self._raster_data._file_dim min_time, max_time = min(self.file_register[name]), max(self.file_register[name]) time_ranges = pd.date_range(min_time, max_time, freq=time_freq).union([min_time, max_time]) expressions = [lambda x: (x >= time_ranges[0]) & (x <= time_ranges[1])] expressions += [lambda x, i=i: (x > time_ranges[i]) & (x <= time_ranges[i + 1]) for i in range(1, len(time_ranges) - 1)] return [dc for dc in self.split_by_dimension(expressions, name=name) if not dc.is_empty]
[docs] def select_tiles(self, tile_names, inplace=False) -> "DataCube": """ Selects the given tiles from the datacube. Parameters ---------- tile_names : list of str Tile names/IDs. inplace : boolean, optional If true, the current class instance will be altered. If false (default), a new class instance will be returned. Returns ------- DataCube : Datacube with a mosaic and a file register only consisting of the given tiles. """ if not inplace: new_datacube = copy.deepcopy(self) return new_datacube.select_tiles(tile_names, inplace=True) self._raster_data.select_tiles(tile_names, inplace=True) return self
[docs] def select_px_window(self, row, col, height=1, width=1, inplace=False) -> "DataCube": """ Selects a rectangular region corresponding to the given pixel window from the datacube. Parameters ---------- row : int Top-left row number of the pixel window anchor. col : int Top-left column number of the pixel window anchor. height : int, optional Number of rows/height of the pixel window. Defaults to 1. width : int, optional Number of columns/width of the pixel window. Defaults to 1. inplace : boolean, optional If true, the current class instance will be altered. If false (default), a new class instance will be returned. Returns ------- DataCube : Datacube with a data and a mosaic geometry only consisting of the intersected tile with the pixel window. Notes ----- The mosaic will be only sliced if it consists of one tile to prevent ambiguities in terms of the definition of the pixel window. """ if not inplace: new_datacube = copy.deepcopy(self) return new_datacube.select_px_window(row, col, height=height, width=width, inplace=True) self._raster_data.select_px_window(row, col, height=height, width=width, inplace=True) return self
[docs] def select_xy(self, x, y, sref=None, inplace=False) -> "DataCube": """ Selects a pixel from the datacube according to the given coordinate tuple. Parameters ---------- x : number Coordinate in X direction. y : number Coordinate in Y direction. sref :, optional CRS of the given coordinate tuple. Defaults to the CRS of the mosaic. inplace : boolean, optional If true, the current class instance will be altered. If false (default), a new class instance will be returned. Returns ------- DataCube : Datacube object with a file register and a mosaic only consisting of the intersected tile containing information on the location of the single-pixel time series. """ if not inplace: new_datacube = copy.deepcopy(self) return new_datacube.select_xy(x, y, sref=sref, inplace=True) self._raster_data.select_xy(x, y, sref=sref, inplace=True) return self
[docs] def select_bbox(self, bbox, sref=None, inplace=False) -> "DataCube": """ Selects a rectangular (if it is provided in native units) region from the datacube, according to the given bounding box. Parameters ---------- bbox : list of 2 2-tuple Bounding box to select, i.e. [(x_min, y_min), (x_max, y_max)]. sref :, optional CRS of the given bounding box coordinates. Defaults to the CRS of the mosaic. inplace : boolean, optional If true, the current class instance will be altered. If false (default), a new class instance will be returned. Returns ------- DataCube : Datacube object with a file register and a mosaic only consisting of the intersected tiles. """ if not inplace: new_datacube = copy.deepcopy(self) return new_datacube.select_bbox(bbox, sref=sref, inplace=True) return self.select_polygon(bbox, sref=sref, apply_mask=False, inplace=True)
[docs] def select_polygon(self, polygon, sref=None, apply_mask=True, inplace=False) -> "DataCube": """ Selects a region delineated by the given polygon from the datacube. Parameters ---------- polygon : ogr.Geometry Polygon specifying the pixels to collect. sref :, optional CRS of the given bounding box coordinates. Defaults to the CRS of the mosaic. apply_mask : bool, optional True if pixels outside the polygon should be set to a no data value (default). False if every pixel withing the bounding box of the polygon should be included. inplace : boolean, optional If true, the current class instance will be altered. If false (default), a new class instance will be returned. Returns ------- DataCube : Datacube object with a file register and a mosaic only consisting of the intersected tiles. """ if not inplace: new_datacube = copy.deepcopy(self) return new_datacube.select_polygon(polygon, sref=sref, apply_mask=apply_mask, inplace=True) self._raster_data.select_polygon(polygon, sref=sref, apply_mask=apply_mask, inplace=True) return self
[docs] def intersect(self, other, on_dimension=None, inplace=False) -> "DataCube": """ Intersects this datacube with another datacube. This is equal to an SQL INNER JOIN operation. In other words: - all uncommon columns and rows (if `on_dimension` is given) are removed - duplicates are removed Parameters ---------- other : DataCube Datacube to intersect with. on_dimension : str, optional Dimension name to intersect on, meaning that only equal entries along this dimension will be retained. inplace : boolean, optional If true, the current class instance will be altered. If false (default), a new class instance will be returned. Returns ------- DataCube Intersected datacube. """ if not inplace: new_datacube = copy.deepcopy(self) return new_datacube.intersect(other, on_dimension=on_dimension, inplace=True) # close all open file handles before operation self.close() other.close() self._check_dc_compliance(other) file_registers = [self.file_register, other.file_register] intsct_fr = pd.concat(file_registers, ignore_index=True, join='inner') if on_dimension is not None: all_vals = [] for file_register in file_registers: all_vals.append(list(file_register[on_dimension])) common_vals = list(set.intersection(*map(set, all_vals))) intsct_fr = intsct_fr[intsct_fr[on_dimension].isin(common_vals)] intsct_fr = intsct_fr.drop_duplicates().reset_index(drop=True) self._raster_data._file_register = intsct_fr self.add_dimension("file_id", [None] * len(self), inplace=True) return self
[docs] def unite(self, other, inplace=False) -> "DataCube": """ Unites this datacube with respect to another datacube. This is equal to an SQL UNION operation. In other words: - all columns are put into one DataFrame - duplicates are removed - gaps are filled with NaN Parameters ---------- other : DataCube Datacube to unite with. inplace : boolean, optional If true, the current class instance will be altered. If false (default), a new class instance will be returned. Returns ------- DataCube United datacube. """ if not inplace: new_datacube = copy.deepcopy(self) return new_datacube.unite(other, inplace=True) # close all open file handles before operation self.close() other.close() self._check_dc_compliance(other) file_registers = [self.file_register, other.file_register] # this is a SQL alike UNION operation united_frs = pd.concat(file_registers, ignore_index=True, sort=False).drop_duplicates().reset_index(drop=True) self._raster_data._file_register = united_frs self.add_dimension("file_id", [None] * len(self), inplace=True) return self
[docs] def align_dimension(self, other, name, inplace=False) -> "DataCube": """ Aligns this datacube with another datacube along the specified dimension `name`. Parameters ---------- other : DataCube Datacube to align with. name : str Name of the dimension, which is used for aligning/filtering the values for all datacubes. inplace : boolean, optional If true, the current class instance will be altered. If false (default), a new class instance will be returned. Returns ------- DataCube Datacube with common values along the given dimension with respect to another datacube. """ if not inplace: new_datacube = copy.deepcopy(self) return new_datacube.align_dimension(other, name=name, inplace=True) self._check_dc_compliance(other) this_dim_values = list(self.file_register[name]) uni_values = list(set(this_dim_values)) other_dim_values = other.file_register[name] idxs = np.zeros(len(other_dim_values)) - 1 # set -1 as no data value for i in range(len(uni_values)): val_idxs = np.where(uni_values[i] == other_dim_values) idxs[val_idxs] = this_dim_values.index(uni_values[i]) # get index of value in this data cube idxs = idxs[idxs != -1] if len(idxs) > 0: # close all open file handles before operation self.close() other.close() self._raster_data._file_register = self._raster_data._file_register.iloc[idxs].reset_index(drop=True) else: wrn_msg = "No common dimension values found. Original datacube is returned." warnings.warn(wrn_msg) return self
def _check_dc_compliance(self, other): """ Checks if another datacube is compliant with this datacube, i.e., the stack and tile dimension have the same name. Parameters ---------- other : DataCube Other datacube to check with. """ if self._raster_data._file_dim != other._raster_data._file_dim: err_msg = f"Both datacubes must have the same file dimension " \ f"({self._raster_data._file_dim} != {other._raster_data._file_dim})." raise ValueError(err_msg) if self._raster_data._tile_dim != other._raster_data._tile_dim: err_msg = f"Both datacubes must have the same tile dimension " \ f"({self._raster_data._tile_dim} != {other._raster_data._tile_dim})." raise ValueError(err_msg)
[docs] def apply_nan(self): """ Converts no data values of the internal data to np.nan. Note that this replacement implicitly converts the data format to float. """ self._raster_data.apply_nan()
[docs] def close(self): """ Closes open file handles. """ self._raster_data.close()
[docs] def clear_ram(self): """ Releases memory allocated by the internal data object. """ self._raster_data.clear_ram()
[docs] def clone(self) -> "DataCube": """ Clones, i.e. deep-copies a datacube. Returns ------- DataCube Cloned/copied datacube. """ return copy.deepcopy(self)
@staticmethod def _get_file_class(filepath, file_class=None): """ Collects class for opening a single geospatial file. Parameters ---------- filepath : str Full file path. file_class : class, optional External file class. Returns ------- file_class : class Geospatial file class. """ ext = os.path.splitext(filepath)[-1] file_class = FILE_CLASS[ext] if file_class is None else file_class if file_class is None: raise FileTypeUnknown(ext) return file_class def __getitem__(self, dimension_name) -> pd.Series: """ Returns a column of the internal file register according to the given column/dimension name. Parameters ---------- dimension_name : str Column/dimension name of the datacube's file register. Returns ------- pandas.DataSeries Column of the internal file register. """ if dimension_name in self.file_register.columns: return self.file_register[dimension_name] else: raise DimensionUnkown(dimension_name) def __len__(self) -> int: """ Length of the datacube/file register. """ return len(self.file_register) def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Closes open file handles. """ self.close() def __deepcopy__(self, memo): """ Deepcopy method of the `DataCube` class. Parameters ---------- memo : dict Returns ------- DataCube Deepcopy of a datacube. """ cls = self.__class__ result = cls.__new__(cls) memo[id(self)] = result for k, v in self.__dict__.items(): setattr(result, k, copy.deepcopy(v, memo)) return result def __repr__(self) -> str: """ General string representation of a datacube instance. """ return f"{self.__class__.__name__} -> {self._raster_data.__class__.__name__}({self._raster_data._file_dim}, " \ f"{self.mosaic.__class__.__name__}):\n\n" \ f"{repr(self.file_register)}"
[docs]class DataCubeReader(DataCube): """ Datacube reader class inheriting from `DataCube`. """ def __init__(self, file_register, mosaic, stack_dimension='layer_id', tile_dimension='tile_id', file_class=None, file_class_kwargs=None, **kwargs): """ Constructor of `DataCubeReader`. Parameters ---------- file_register : pd.Dataframe Data frame managing a stack/list of files containing the following columns: - 'filepath' : str Full file path to a geospatial file. - `stack_dimension` : object Specifies an ID to which layer a file belongs to, e.g. a layer counter or a timestamp. Must correspond to `stack_dimension`. - `tile_dimension` : str Tile name or ID to which tile a file belongs to. mosaic : geospade.raster.MosaicGeometry Mosaic representing the spatial allocation of the given files. The tiles of the mosaic have to match the ID's/names of the `tile_dimension` column. stack_dimension : str, optional Dimension/column name of the dimension, where to stack the files along (first axis), e.g. time, bands etc. Defaults to 'layer_id', i.e. the layer ID's are used as the main coordinates to stack the files. tile_dimension : str, optional Dimension/column name of the dimension containing tile ID's in correspondence with the tiles in `mosaic`. Defaults to 'tile_id'. file_class : class, optional Class used to open a reference file for retrieving basic information. Defaults to none, meaning that the datacube uses the default classes assigned to each file extension/data format. file_class_kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments for `file_class`. kwargs : dict Keywords passed to a `RasterDataReader` class. """ ref_filepath = file_register['filepath'].iloc[0] ext = os.path.splitext(ref_filepath)[-1] reader_class = RASTER_DATA_CLASS[ext][0] file_class = DataCube._get_file_class(ref_filepath, file_class=file_class) reader = reader_class(file_register, mosaic, stack_dimension=stack_dimension, tile_dimension=tile_dimension, file_class=file_class, file_class_kwargs=file_class_kwargs, **kwargs) super().__init__(reader)
[docs] @classmethod def from_filepaths(cls, filepaths, fn_class=SmartFilename, fields_def=None, fn_kwargs=None, mosaic=None, tile_class=Tile, sref=None, file_class=None, file_class_kwargs=None, dimensions=None, tile_dimension='tile', stack_dimension='time', use_metadata=False, md_decoder=None, n_cores=1, **kwargs) -> "DataCubeReader": """ Creates a `DataCubeReader` instance from a list of file paths. Parameters ---------- filepaths : list of str List of file paths to ingest into the datacube. fn_class : SmartFilename, optional Filename class used to interpret the file name. Defaults to `SmartFilename`. fields_def : dict, optional Dictionary defining the elements of a specific file name. For further details take a look at geopathfinder's `SmartFilename` class. This argument can be used if `fn_class` is None. fn_kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments for `fn_class`. mosaic : geospade.raster.MosaicGeometry Mosaic representing the spatial allocation of the given files. The `tile_dimension` part of the file name must match the tile IDs/names of the mosaic. By default a mosaic is automatically retrieved from the spatial extent of the files. tile_class : geospade.raster.Tile, optional Tile class used for creating a default mosaic, if `mosaic` is not provided. Defaults to `Tile`. sref :, optional CRS of the given files. Defaults to the CRS of the mosaic. file_class : class, optional Class used to open a reference file for retrieving basic information. Defaults to none, meaning that the datacube uses the default classes assigned to each file extension/data format. file_class_kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments for `file_class`. dimensions : list, optional Desired dimensions of the datacube in compliance with the chosen file naming convention. tile_dimension : str, optional Dimension/column name of the dimension containing tile ID's in correspondence with the tiles in `mosaic`. Defaults to 'tile_id'. stack_dimension : str, optional Dimension/column name of the dimension, where to stack the files along (first axis), e.g. time, bands etc. Defaults to 'layer_id', i.e. the layer ID's are used as the main coordinates to stack the files. use_metadata : bool, optional True if dimensions should be retrieved from the metadata of the files (defaults to `False`). md_decoder : dict, optional Dictionary mapping dimension names/attribute names with decoding functions. n_cores : int, optional Number of cores used to interpret files in parallel (defaults to 1). kwargs : dict Keywords passed to the `DataCubeReader` constructor. Returns ------- DataCubeReader Datacube reader instance. """ file_register = cls._get_file_register_from_files(filepaths, fn_class, fields_def=fields_def, fn_kwargs=fn_kwargs, dimensions=dimensions, n_cores=n_cores, use_metadata=use_metadata, md_decoder=md_decoder, file_class=file_class, file_class_kwargs=file_class_kwargs) if tile_dimension in file_register.columns and mosaic is None: tiles = cls._get_tiles_from_file_register(file_register, tile_class=tile_class, tile_dimension=tile_dimension, sref=sref, file_class=file_class, file_class_kwargs=file_class_kwargs) elif tile_dimension not in file_register.columns: tiles, tile_ids = cls._get_tiles_and_ids_from_files(filepaths, tile_class=tile_class, mosaic=mosaic, sref=sref, file_class=file_class, file_class_kwargs=file_class_kwargs) file_register[tile_dimension] = tile_ids if mosaic is None: mosaic = MosaicGeometry.from_tile_list(tiles) if stack_dimension not in file_register.columns: stack_ids = cls._get_stack_ids_from_file_register(file_register, tile_dimension=tile_dimension) file_register[stack_dimension] = stack_ids return cls(file_register, mosaic, stack_dimension=stack_dimension, tile_dimension=tile_dimension, file_class=file_class, file_class_kwargs=file_class_kwargs, **kwargs)
@staticmethod def _get_file_register_from_files(filepaths, fn_class, fields_def=None, fn_kwargs=None, dimensions=None, n_cores=1, use_metadata=False, md_decoder=None, file_class=None, file_class_kwargs=None): """ Parameters ---------- filepaths : list of str List of file paths to ingest into the datacube. fn_class : SmartFilename Filename class used to interpret the file name. Defaults to `SmartFilename`. fields_def : dict, optional Dictionary defining the elements of a specific file name. For further details take a look at geopathfinder's `SmartFilename` class. This argument can be used if `fn_class` is None. fn_kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments for `fn_class`. dimensions : list, optional Desired dimensions of the datacube in compliance with the chosen file naming convention. n_cores : int, optional Number of cores used to interpret files in parallel (defaults to 1). use_metadata : bool, optional True if dimensions should be retrieved from the metadata of the files (defaults to `False`). md_decoder : dict, optional Dictionary mapping dimension names/attribute names with decoding functions. file_class : class, optional Class used to open a reference file for retrieving basic information. Defaults to none, meaning that the datacube uses the default classes assigned to each file extension/data format. file_class_kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments for `file_class`. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame Data frame representing the file register. """ fn_kwargs = fn_kwargs or dict() md_decoder = md_decoder or dict() file_class_kwargs = {} if file_class_kwargs is None else file_class_kwargs n_files = len(filepaths) slices = DataCubeReader._get_file_chunks(n_files, n_cores) ref_filepath = filepaths[0] try: fn_args = [os.path.basename(ref_filepath)] if fields_def is not None: fn_args.append(fields_def) fn = fn_class.from_filename(*fn_args, convert=True, **fn_kwargs) fn_dims = DataCubeReader._get_dims_from_fn(fn, dimensions=dimensions, fields_def=fields_def) except: fn_dims = [] md_dims = [] if not use_metadata else DataCubeReader._get_dims_from_md(ref_filepath, dimensions=dimensions, file_class=file_class, file_class_kwargs=file_class_kwargs) file_class = DataCube._get_file_class(ref_filepath, file_class=file_class) tmp_dirpath = mkdtemp() with Pool(n_cores, initializer=parse_init, initargs=(filepaths, fn_class, fields_def, fn_kwargs, file_class, file_class_kwargs, fn_dims, md_dims, md_decoder, tmp_dirpath)) as p:, slices) df_filepaths = glob.glob(os.path.join(tmp_dirpath, "*.df")) return pd.concat([pd.read_pickle(df_filepath) for df_filepath in df_filepaths]) @staticmethod def _get_file_chunks(n_files, n_cores) -> List[slice]: """ Creates a list of file index slices for parsing files in parallel. Parameters ---------- n_files : int Number of files. n_cores : int Number of cores used to interpret files in parallel. Returns ------- list of slice List of file index slices. """ step = int(n_files / n_cores) slices = [] for i in range(0, n_files, step): slices.append(slice(i, i + step)) slices[-1] = slice(slices[-1].start, n_files + 1) return slices @staticmethod def _get_dims_from_fn(fn, dimensions=None, fields_def=None) -> List[str]: """ Collects available file name dimensions and inner joins them with existing ones. Parameters ---------- fn : SmartFilename Filename instance. dimensions : list, optional Desired dimensions of the datacube in compliance with the chosen file naming convention. fields_def : dict, optional Dictionary defining the elements of a specific file name. For further details take a look at geopathfinder's `SmartFilename` class. This argument can be used if `fn_class` is None. Returns ------- fn_dims : list of str List of available or desired file dimensions. """ fields_def = fields_def or dict() fn_dims = list(fn.fields_def.keys()) if hasattr(fn, 'fields_def') else list(fields_def.keys()) if dimensions is not None: fn_dims = list(set(fn_dims).intersection(set(dimensions))) for dimension in dimensions: if getattr(fn, dimension, False): fn_dims.append(dimension) return fn_dims @staticmethod def _get_dims_from_md(filepath, dimensions=None, file_class=None, file_class_kwargs=None): """ Collects available metadata dimensions and inner joins them with existing ones. Parameters ---------- filepath : str Reference filepath. dimensions : list, optional Desired dimensions of the datacube in compliance with the available metadata attributes. file_class : class, optional Class used to open a reference file for retrieving basic information. Defaults to none, meaning that the datacube uses the default classes assigned to each file extension/data format. file_class_kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments for `file_class`. Returns ------- md_dims : list of str List of available or desired metadata dimensions. """ file_class_kwargs = file_class_kwargs or dict() file_class = DataCube._get_file_class(filepath, file_class=file_class) md_dims = [] try: with file_class(filepath, mode='r', **file_class_kwargs) as file: md = file.metadata md_dims = list(md.keys()) if dimensions is not None: md_dims = list(set(dimensions).intersection(md_dims)) except: pass return md_dims @staticmethod def _get_tiles_from_file_register(file_register, tile_class=Tile, tile_dimension='tile_id', sref=None, file_class=None, file_class_kwargs=None) -> List[Tile]: """ Retrieve all tiles using the file register and geospatial information in the files. Parameters ---------- file_register : pd.DataFrame Preliminary file register. tile_class : geospade.raster.Tile, optional Tile class used for creating a default mosaic, if `mosaic` is not provided. Defaults to `Tile`. tile_dimension : str, optional Dimension/column name of the dimension containing tile ID's in correspondence with the tiles in `mosaic`. Defaults to 'tile_id'. sref :, optional CRS of the given files. Defaults to the CRS of the mosaic. file_class : class, optional Class used to open a reference file for retrieving basic information. Defaults to none, meaning that the datacube uses the default classes assigned to each file extension/data format. file_class_kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments for `file_class`. Returns ------- tiles : list of geospade.raster.Tile Available tiles. """ tiles = [] for tile_id, tile_group in file_register.groupby(by=tile_dimension): ref_filepath = tile_group['filepath'].iloc[0] tile = DataCubeReader._get_tile_from_file(ref_filepath, tile_class=tile_class, tile_id=tile_id, sref=sref, file_class=file_class, file_class_kwargs=file_class_kwargs) tiles.append(tile) return tiles @staticmethod def _get_tiles_and_ids_from_files(filepaths, tile_class=Tile, mosaic=None, sref=None, file_class=None, file_class_kwargs=None) -> Tuple[list, list]: """ Collects all tiles and their IDs for a given list of files. Parameters ---------- filepaths : list of str List of file paths to retrieve tiles and their IDs from. tile_class : geospade.raster.Tile, optional Tile class used for creating a default mosaic, if `mosaic` is not provided. Defaults to `Tile`. mosaic : geospade.raster.MosaicGeometry Mosaic representing the spatial allocation of the given files. The `tile_dimension` part of the file name must match the tile IDs/names of the mosaic. sref :, optional CRS of the given files. Defaults to the CRS of the mosaic. file_class : class, optional Class used to open a reference file for retrieving basic information. Defaults to none, meaning that the datacube uses the default classes assigned to each file extension/data format. file_class_kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments for `file_class`. Returns ------- tiles : list of geospade.raster.Tile Available tiles. tile_ids : list of str Tile IDs linking `filepaths` with `tiles`. """ sref = mosaic.sref if mosaic is not None else sref tile_ids = [] tiles = [] tile_id = 0 for filepath in filepaths: tile = DataCubeReader._get_tile_from_file(filepath, tile_class=tile_class, tile_id=str(tile_id), sref=sref, file_class=file_class, file_class_kwargs=file_class_kwargs) if mosaic is None: curr_tile_id = find_congruent_tile_id_from_tiles(tile, tiles) else: curr_tile_id = find_congruent_tile_id_from_tiles(tile, mosaic.all_tiles) if curr_tile_id is None: tiles.append(tile) curr_tile_id = str(tile_id) tile_id += 1 tile_ids.append(curr_tile_id) return tiles, tile_ids @staticmethod def _get_tile_from_file(filepath, tile_class=Tile, tile_id='0', sref=None, file_class=None, file_class_kwargs=None): """ Creates a tile from the geospatial information stored in the file. Parameters ---------- filepath : str File path. tile_class : geospade.raster.Tile, optional Tile class used for creating a default mosaic, if `mosaic` is not provided. Defaults to `Tile`. tile_id : str, optional Name/ID of the tile (defaults to '0'). sref :, optional CRS of the given files. Defaults to the CRS of the mosaic. file_class : class, optional Class used to open a reference file for retrieving basic information. Defaults to none, meaning that the datacube uses the default classes assigned to each file extension/data format. file_class_kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments for `file_class`. Returns ------- geospade.raster.Tile Tile instance. """ file_class_kwargs = {} if file_class_kwargs is None else file_class_kwargs file_class = DataCube._get_file_class(filepath, file_class=file_class) with file_class(filepath, 'r', **file_class_kwargs) as f: sref_wkt = f.sref_wkt geotrans = f.geotrans n_rows, n_cols = f.raster_shape sref = sref if sref_wkt is None else SpatialRef(sref_wkt) return tile_class(n_rows, n_cols, sref=sref, geotrans=geotrans, name=tile_id) @staticmethod def _get_stack_ids_from_file_register(file_register, tile_dimension='tile_id'): """ Retrieves/creates stack IDs (counted separately for each tile) from the given file register. Parameters ---------- file_register : pd.DataFrame Preliminary file register. tile_dimension : str, optional Dimension/column name of the dimension containing tile ID's in correspondence with the tiles in `mosaic`. Defaults to 'tile_id'. Returns ------- stack_ids : np.ndarray Stack IDs. """ n_files = len(file_register) tile_ids = file_register[tile_dimension] tile_ids_uni = list(set(tile_ids)) stack_ids = np.zeros(n_files, dtype=int) for tile_id in tile_ids_uni: tile_idx = tile_ids == tile_id n_same_tiles = np.sum(tile_idx) stack_ids[tile_idx] = np.arange(n_same_tiles) return stack_ids
[docs] def read(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Reads data from disk. Parameters ---------- args : tuple Positional arguments for the `RasterDataReader().read()` function. kwargs : dict Keyword arguments for the `RasterDataReader().read()` function. Notes ----- Details about the available arguments can be retrieved from the respective `read()` functions in veranda. """*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class DataCubeWriter(DataCube): """ Datacube writer class inheriting from `DataCube`. """ def __init__(self, mosaic, file_register=None, data=None, ext='.nc', stack_dimension='layer_id', tile_dimension='tile_id', **kwargs): """ Constructor of `DataCubeWriter`. Parameters ---------- mosaic : geospade.raster.MosaicGeometry Mosaic representing the spatial allocation of the given files. The tiles of the mosaic have to match the ID's/names of the `tile_dimension` column. file_register : pd.Dataframe, optional Data frame managing a stack/list of files containing the following columns: - 'filepath' : str Full file path to a geospatial file. - `stack_dimension` : object Specifies an ID to which layer a file belongs to, e.g. a layer counter or a timestamp. Must correspond to `stack_dimension`. - `tile_dimension` : str Tile name or ID to which tile a file belongs to. data : xr.Dataset, optional Raster data stored in memory. It must match the spatial sampling and CRS of the mosaic, but not its spatial extent or tiling. Moreover, the dimension of the mosaic along the first dimension (stack dimension), must match the entries/filepaths in `file_register`. ext : str, optional File extension/format. Defaults to ".nc". stack_dimension : str, optional Dimension/column name of the dimension, where to stack the files along (first axis), e.g. time, bands etc. Defaults to 'layer_id', i.e. the layer ID's are used as the main coordinates to stack the files. tile_dimension : str, optional Dimension/column name of the dimension containing tile ID's in correspondence with the tiles in `mosaic`. Defaults to 'tile_id'. kwargs : dict Keywords passed to a `RasterDataWriter` class. """ ext = ext if file_register is None else os.path.splitext(file_register['filepath'].iloc[0])[-1] writer_class = RASTER_DATA_CLASS[ext][1] writer = writer_class(mosaic, file_register=file_register, data=data, stack_dimension=stack_dimension, tile_dimension=tile_dimension, **kwargs) super().__init__(writer)
[docs] @classmethod def from_data(cls, data, dirpath, fn_class=SmartFilename, fn_map=None, def_fields=None, stack_groups=None, fn_groups_map=None, ext='.nc', mosaic=None, stack_dimension='layer_id', tile_dimension='tile_id', **kwargs) -> "DataCubeWriter": """ Creates a `DataCubeWriter` instance from an xarray dataset. Parameters ---------- data : xr.Dataset, optional Raster data stored in memory to derive the mosaic and file register from. dirpath : str Full directory path where the files are located/should be written to. fn_class : SmartFilename, optional Filename class used to create a file name from the coordinates in `data`. Defaults to `SmartFilename`. fn_map : dict, optional Dictionary mapping dimension/coordinate names of `data` with dimension names of the file naming convention. def_fields : dict, optional Dictionary containing default attributes/values used when creating all file names. stack_groups : dict, optional Defines the relation between the stack coordinates and a group ID, i.e. in what portions along the stack dimension the data should be written. The keys are the coordinates and the value a group ID. fn_groups_map : dict, optional If `stack_groups` is set, then you can assign new filename attributes to each group ID by using this argument. It's format should be a dictionary mapping group IDs (keys) with filename fields (values). ext : str, optional File extension/format. Defaults to ".nc". mosaic : geospade.raster.MosaicGeometry Mosaic representing the spatial allocation of the given files. The tiles of the mosaic have to match the ID's/names of the `tile_dimension` column. stack_dimension : str, optional Dimension/column name of the dimension, where to stack the files along (first axis), e.g. time, bands etc. Defaults to 'layer_id', i.e. the layer ID's are used as the main coordinates to stack the files. tile_dimension : str, optional Dimension/column name of the dimension containing tile ID's in correspondence with the tiles in `mosaic`. Defaults to 'tile_id'. kwargs : dict Keywords passed to the `DataCubeWriter` class. Returns ------- DataCubeWriter Datacube writer instance. """ writer_class = RASTER_DATA_CLASS[ext][1] if mosaic is None: mosaic = writer_class._mosaic_from_data(data) tile_ids = mosaic.tile_names stack_ids = data[stack_dimension].data filepaths, stack_ids, tile_ids = cls._get_filepaths_from_tile_stack_ids(tile_ids, stack_ids, fn_class, dirpath, ext=ext, tile_dimension=tile_dimension, stack_dimension=stack_dimension, fn_map=fn_map, def_fields=def_fields, stack_groups=stack_groups, fn_groups_map=fn_groups_map) fr_dict = {'filepath': filepaths, stack_dimension: stack_ids, tile_dimension: tile_ids} file_register = pd.DataFrame(fr_dict) return cls(mosaic, file_register=file_register, data=data, ext=ext, stack_dimension=stack_dimension, tile_dimension=tile_dimension, **kwargs)
@staticmethod def _get_filepaths_from_tile_stack_ids(tile_ids, stack_ids, fn_class, dirpath, ext='.nc', tile_dimension='tile_id', stack_dimension='layer_id', fn_map=None, def_fields=None, stack_groups=None, fn_groups_map=None) -> Tuple[list, list, list]: """ Creates file paths from a list of tile and stack IDs by mapping them to the given file naming convention. Parameters ---------- tile_ids : list of str List of tile IDs/names. stack_ids : list List of stack IDs. fn_class : SmartFilename, optional Filename class used to create a file name from the coordinates in `data`. dirpath : str Full directory path where the files are located/should be written to. ext : str, optional File extension/format. Defaults to ".nc". tile_dimension : str, optional Dimension/column name of the dimension containing tile ID's in correspondence with the tiles in `mosaic`. Defaults to 'tile_id'.n stack_dimension : str, optional Dimension/column name of the dimension, where to stack the files along (first axis), e.g. time, bands etc. Defaults to 'layer_id', i.e. the layer ID's are used as the main coordinates to stack the files. fn_map : dict, optional Dictionary mapping dimension/coordinate names of `data` with dimension names of the file naming convention. def_fields : dict, optional Dictionary containing default attributes/values used when creating all file names. stack_groups : dict, optional Defines the relation between the stack coordinates and a group ID, i.e. in what portions along the stack dimension the data should be written. The keys are the coordinates and the value a group ID. fn_groups_map : dict, optional If `stack_groups` is set, then you can assign new filename attributes to each group ID by using this argument. It's format should be a dictionary mapping group IDs (keys) with filename fields (values). Returns ------- filepaths : list of str List of file paths. tile_ids_aligned : list of str List of tile IDs/names corresponding to each entry in `filepaths`. stack_ids_aligned : list List of stack IDs/names corresponding to each entry in `filepaths`. """ fn_map = fn_map or dict() fn_groups_map = fn_groups_map or dict() def_fields = def_fields or dict() if fn_class is None: fields_def = dict([ (stack_dimension, {}), (tile_dimension, {})]) fn_class = create_fn_class(fields_def) stack_ids_aligned = [] tile_ids_aligned = [] filepaths = [] for tile_id in tile_ids: for stack_id in stack_ids: fields = dict() fields[fn_map.get(tile_dimension, tile_dimension)] = tile_id fields.update(def_fields) if stack_groups is not None: group_id = stack_groups[stack_id] fields.update({fn_map.get(stack_dimension, stack_dimension): group_id}) fields.update(fn_groups_map.get(group_id)) else: fields.update({fn_map.get(stack_dimension, stack_dimension): stack_id}) filename = str(fn_class(fields, ext=ext, convert=True)) filepaths.append(os.path.join(dirpath, filename)) stack_ids_aligned.append(stack_id) tile_ids_aligned.append(tile_id) return filepaths, stack_ids_aligned, tile_ids_aligned
[docs] def write(self, data, use_mosaic=False, data_variables=None, encoder=None, encoder_kwargs=None, overwrite=False, **kwargs): """ Writes a certain chunk of data to disk. Parameters ---------- data : xr.Dataset Data chunk to be written to disk or being appended to existing data. use_mosaic : bool, optional True if data should be written according to the mosaic. False if data composes a new tile and should not be tiled (default). data_variables : list of str, optional Data variables to write. Defaults to None, i.e. all data variables are written. encoder : callable, optional Function allowing to encode data before writing it to disk. encoder_kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments for the encoder. overwrite : bool, optional True if data should be overwritten, False if not (default). kwargs : dict Keywords passed to the `RasterDataWriter().write()` method. """ self._raster_data.write(data, use_mosaic=use_mosaic, data_variables=data_variables, encoder=encoder, encoder_kwargs=encoder_kwargs, overwrite=overwrite, **kwargs)
[docs] def export(self, use_mosaic=False, data_variables=None, encoder=None, encoder_kwargs=None, overwrite=False, **kwargs): """ Writes all internally stored data to disk. Parameters ---------- use_mosaic : bool, optional True if data should be written according to the mosaic. False if data composes a new tile and should not be tiled (default). data_variables : list of str, optional Data variables to write. Defaults to None, i.e. all data variables are written. encoder : callable, optional Function allowing to encode data before writing it to disk. encoder_kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments for the encoder. overwrite : bool, optional True if data should be overwritten, False if not (default). """ self._raster_data.export(use_mosaic=use_mosaic, data_variables=data_variables, encoder=encoder, encoder_kwargs=encoder_kwargs, overwrite=overwrite, **kwargs)